Western Heights, 2nd Floor, Karuna Road, Westlands
Mon-Sat, 8.00-18.00. Sunday CLOSED

Andrew and Steve Advocates is a full service law firm supported by a competent dedicated team with expertise in more than one industry sector and committed to professionalism, excellence and integrity. The state of the art firm is located at the prestigious Western Heights, next to Sarit Center, Westlands.
About the Firm
ANDREW & STEVE ADVOCATES (A & S) is a dynamic law firm based in Nairobi, Kenya providing a full range of legal services with leading ...
Andrew & Steve Advocates (A & S) is an equal opportunity employer offering attractive career opportunities for suitably qualified applicants from Kenya and abroad. Please click on ...
Head OfficeÂ
Andrew & Steve AdvocatesAdvocates, Commissioners for Oaths and Notaries PublicWestern Heights, 2nd Floor, Karuna Road, WestlandsP.O. Box 52 - 00606, Sarit Centre, ...
Practice Areas
Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
A&S has an effective litigation and dispute resolution team that uses its experience, trusted judgment and insights to develop a customized strategy to every dispute. Armed with this experience, we are able to provide our clients with concise legal advice, while ensuring that we keep up to date with the changes in the law, be it statutory
Data Protection & Cyber Security
The Data Protection Act was enacted in 2019 to accentuate and enliven Article 31(c) and (d) of the Constitution of Kenya (2010) which recognizes a person’s Right to Privacy (‘’data subjects’’). The Act brings into play comprehensive laws that protect the personal information of individuals. It establishes the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, makes provision for the regulation
Risk Advisory Services
Businesses face many risks including threats to their operations, reputation, assets, personnel and clients. These risks, if ignored, could hinder the businesses revenue, growth and overall success. Therefore, identifying, evaluating, and minimizing risks peculiar to your business is essential. Risk assessment is an important first step towards identifying threats and vulnerabilities that
Taxation Services
Kenya’s tax regime is fairly complex, and this consequently gives rise to inherent points of contention. It is therefore often critical to obtain professional advice before engaging in certain transactions or entering into certain contractual arrangements, as most transactions will have tax implications. To this end, we have an established tax practice that is dedicated to ensuring an
Experience Highlights
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