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STRIKING A DELICATE BALANCE: The Right to Demonstrate, Public Order, and Safety in Kenya
Legal Alert 4 - STRIKING A DELICATE BALANCE: The Right to Demonstrate, Public Order, and Safety in Kenya
The right to picket and demonstrate is a crucial foundation for democratic expression in Kenya. However, recent demonstrations have escalated into violence and caused destruction. This creates a challenging scenario where the exercise of a constitutional right clashes with the necessity of upholding public order and ensuring citizen safety.
The Constitution of Kenya, 2010, serves as the supreme law of the land, laying out the foundations of governance, the rights of citizens, and the responsibilities of the government.
_Legal Alert 4- Striking a delicate balance - The Right to demonstrate, Public Order and safety In Kenya..pdf
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Andrew & Steve Advocates
Advocates, Commissioners for Oaths and Notaries Public
Western Heights, 2nd Floor,
Karuna Road, Westlands
P.O. Box 52 - 00606,Sarit Centre,
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 707 324 113 / 202 324 113
Email: as@asadvocates.co.ke
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